Dwellings by Council Tax Band, Wards
Dwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and ward. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in each band taken at...- XLS
Life Expectancy at Birth and Age 65 by Ward
Life expectancy at birth and age 65 by sex and ward, London borough, region, 1999/03 - 2008/12. The population data used is revised 2002-2010 ONS mid year estimates (MYE) -...- CSV
GLA Claimant Count Model Output 2010
The percentage of the economically active population who are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Output from the GLA claimant count model which uses administrative counts of...- XLS
London Business Survey 2014 - Business performance and outlook
The 2014 London Business Survey (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA. The survey...- XLS
Registered Social Landlord Housing Stock
Number of Registered Social Landlord dwellings. Note: from 2002 the figures in this table are not comparable to those in the main dwelling stock table because the stock figures... -
Halifax House Prices - London UK
One of several indicators for house prices published on a quarterly basis. It is derived from the mortgage data of the Halifax Building Society. Regional indices for the 12...- XLS
Civil Partnerships
Number of civil partnership ceremonies by place of formation. The Civil Partnership Act 2004 came into force on 5 December 2005 in the UK, the first day couples could give...- HTML
London Business Survey 2014 - International trade
The 2014 London Business Survey (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA. The survey...- XLS
Key Stage 2 Results by Location of Pupil Residence, Borough
These are typically 11 year old pupils; however the tests may have been taken by a minority of slightly older and younger pupils. The results are for the 2007/08 academic year....- XLS
Focus on London 2000-2009
Focus on London 2000-2009 archive Focus on London 2009 Packed with interesting information about our capital city, the Focus on London (FoL) report offers a unique snapshot of...- XLS
ONS 2013 mid-year population estimates
This Update from the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the ONS 2013 mid-year population estimates and associated components of change, comparing these to ONS and GLA population...- XLS
GLA Population Yield Calculator
The GLA Population Yield Calculator is a tool for estimating population yield from new housing development. Please see the methodology paper for guidance using the calculator....- XLS
London Comparison Goods Retail Floorspace Need Scenarios 2011-2036
Modelled scenarios of comparison goods retail floorspace need 2011 to 2036 associated with the Experian/GLA publication: "Consumer Expenditure and Comparison Goods Floorspace...- XLS
Enterprises and Local Units - Counts, Employment and Turnover, Borough
IDBR employment data are provided within this 10 year dataset so that Counts, Employment and Turnover are all on a consistent IDBR basis, and these variables can be used in...- CSV
Housing Tenure of Households, Borough
This table shows the numbers and percentages of all households by each housing tenure category, including, owned outright, being bought with mortgage or loan, or rented from...- XLS
Workplace Employment by Industry, Borough
Employment (workplace) by industry from the Business register and employment survey (BRES). This data excludes self-employed but includes proprietors Employment = employees +...- XLS
GLA Employment Projections
London's long-run trend-based employment projections by sector and by borough. 2013 Projections Data The GLA has produced projections of future labour market demand in London...- XLS
2013 round population projections
The 2013 round of projections featured a large number of variants including: Three variants of trend-based projection (Central, High, Low) that used different migration...- XLS
London Business Survey 2014 - Innovation
The 2014 London Business Survey (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA. The survey...- XLS
European Election Results 2004
European Parliamentary Election 2004, London Region - London wide results. The results are reported in the [2004 London Elections report]...- XLS
London Average Air Quality Levels
The data shows roadside and background average readings for Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Ozone, Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5), and Sulphur Dioxide....- XLS
Regional Gross Value Added
Gross Value Added (GVA) (Income Approach) estimates at current prices for the years 1997 to 2012 for the 12 regions and countries of the UK plus Extra-Regio (NUTS1). Estimates...- XLS
Key Performance Indicators on the TFL Road Network
Selected key performance indicators on the TFL Road Network. Number of hours of Serious and Severe Disruption on the road network by planned and unplanned status, journey time...- XLS
GLA Ward-Level Population Projections 2012 Round, SHLAA-Based, Trend-Constrai...
GLA 2012 round ward-level population projections by 5yr age groups using 2009 SHLAA-based housing trajectories. These differ from the standard ward projections in that...- XLS
National Insurance Number Registrations of Overseas Nationals, Borough
National Insurance Number (NINo) registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK by year of registration, by country of origin. 100% extract from National Insurance...- XLS