Glasgow Origin-Destination (OD) Matrices
Origin-Destination (OD) Matrices that provide information about number of trips between different origins and destinations in the Glasgow City Region. E Location data from...- XLSX
iMCD GPS data
The data have personal identifiers removed but can be linked to the other iMCD survey and lifelogging data by (anonymised) participant ID. As GPS tracks remain potentially...- XLSX
iMCD lifelogging data : observed faces and persons
UBDC staff developed methods to analyse lifelogging image data collected within the Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD) project to study people's isolation level in the city....- XLSX
Glasgow 3D city models derived from airborne LiDAR point clouds licensed data
UBDC generates 3D city models via the airborne LiDAR point clouds acquired between 2020-2021 on behalf of Glasgow City Council. We prepared a set of training and validation data...- XLSX
Sensor-enhanced housing survey data for urban heat investigation : licensed data
During the summer months from July 2023 to September 2023 (including a mini heatwave in early September 2023), 40 Smart Citizen sensors have recorded data in homes in Southwark,...- XLSX
iMCD household survey and travel diary
Part of the overall collection is the iMCD Household Survey, which is available in anonymised form. The iMCD Household Survey interviewed a representative sample of adults (2095...- XLSX