Dwellings by Council Tax Band, Wards
Dwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and ward. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in each band taken at...- XLS
Life Expectancy at Birth and Age 65 by Ward
Life expectancy at birth and age 65 by sex and ward, London borough, region, 1999/03 - 2008/12. The population data used is revised 2002-2010 ONS mid year estimates (MYE) -...- CSV
Halifax House Prices - London UK
One of several indicators for house prices published on a quarterly basis. It is derived from the mortgage data of the Halifax Building Society. Regional indices for the 12...- XLS
Enterprises and Local Units - Counts, Employment and Turnover, Borough
IDBR employment data are provided within this 10 year dataset so that Counts, Employment and Turnover are all on a consistent IDBR basis, and these variables can be used in...- CSV
European Election Results 2004
European Parliamentary Election 2004, London Region - London wide results. The results are reported in the [2004 London Elections report]...- XLS
National Insurance Number Registrations of Overseas Nationals, Borough
National Insurance Number (NINo) registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK by year of registration, by country of origin. 100% extract from National Insurance...- XLS
Borough Council Election Results 2010
London Borough Council Elections - 6 May 2010 With the aim of making the democratic process as transparent as possible to the London electorate, this report includes a great...- CSV
London's Economic Outlook Forecast
London’s Economic Outlook is GLA Economics’ London forecast. The forecasts are issued every six months to assist those preparing planning projections for London in the medium...- XLS
Barnet Council Performance by Priority
Council Quarterly Performance by Priority from the London Borough of Barnet. This dataset records Council Performance against our three Corporate Priorities; Sharing...- XLS
Local Units by Public or Private Status and Single or Multi-Site, Borough
Data shows the number of businesses (local units such as a factory or a shop) broken down by whether hold public or private status and whether single or multi-site. The...- HTML
London Fire Brigade Mobilisation Records
London Fire Brigade is the busiest fire and rescue service in the country and one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world. Each year they receive...- XLS
Super Output Area Population (LSOA, MSOA), London
Lower and Middle Super Output Area populations by single year of age for both current and previous boundaries. Data for previous boundaries has been apportioned by the Greater...- CSV
London's Zero Carbon Energy Resource - Secondary Heat
These datasets accompany the London Secondary Heat Study (2013) and provides an understanding of the technical potential (available heat) and deployment potential (delivered...- unknown
Housing Sales
Number of properties sold from Land Registry data. Excluded from the above figures are sales at less than market price (e.g. Right To Buy), sales below £1,000 and sales above...- CSV
Dwellings by Council Tax Band, Output Areas
Number of dwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and output area. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in...- XLS
Short Term Migrants, Borough
Data shows estimates of the number of migrants staying in the UK for between 1 and 12 months. Definition of a short-term migrant; a person moving for between 1 and 12 months...- CSV
Prevalence of Common Mental Health Problems, Borough
Number of cases of common mental health problems per 1000 of the population aged 16-74 by type of mental health problem. Data on rates are presented as total cases per 1000...- XLS
Religion by Ward, 2001
Census Key Statistics Table KS7: Religion. Total 2001 population broken down by nine groups. Census day was 29 April 2001. Ward data was extracted using SASPAC.- HTML
2010 round SHLAA based household projections
2010 round population and household projections for London Boroughs using the SHLAA housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. Single year of age borough projections are...- CSV
Waste Re-use Centres
Number of Re-Use Centres and their activity by weight - tonnes of furniture, appliances and IT equipment reused. Research was conducted between October 2007 and March 2008 by...- CSV
ONS House Price Index - London UK
One of several indicators for house prices published on a quarterly basis. The data are mix-adjusted and (unlike in the case of data from Halifax or Nationwide) are based on...- CSV
Physically Active Children, Borough
Percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality Physical Education and school sport within and beyond the curriculum. There is the...- CSV
Land Use by Ward
Land Use Statistics by ward (Generalised Land Use Database) 2005 (Enhanced Basemap). Uses include, domestic buildings, gardens, non-domestic buildings, greenspace, paths, rail,...- CSV
Access to Public Open Space and Nature by Ward
Tables show the proportion of homes located within public open space, and access to nature boundaries. Areas of deficiency in access to nature are defined as built-up areas more...- CSV
London Elections Results 2004, Borough
Mayoral and London Assembly votes, spoils and turnout from 2004. Election results from London elections on 10 June 2004. Data from the elections in 2000 is not available at a...- CSV