Civil Partnerships
Number of civil partnership ceremonies by place of formation. The Civil Partnership Act 2004 came into force on 5 December 2005 in the UK, the first day couples could give...- HTML
London's Economic Outlook Forecast
London’s Economic Outlook is GLA Economics’ London forecast. The forecasts are issued every six months to assist those preparing planning projections for London in the medium...- XLS
Local Units by Public or Private Status and Single or Multi-Site, Borough
Data shows the number of businesses (local units such as a factory or a shop) broken down by whether hold public or private status and whether single or multi-site. The...- HTML
Incapacity Benefit Claimants, Borough
Incapacity Benefit (IB) replaced Sickness Benefit and Invalidity Benefit from 13 April 1995. It is paid to people who are assessed as being incapable of work and who meet...- XLS
Short Term Migrants, Borough
Data shows estimates of the number of migrants staying in the UK for between 1 and 12 months. Definition of a short-term migrant; a person moving for between 1 and 12 months...- CSV
Religion by Ward, 2001
Census Key Statistics Table KS7: Religion. Total 2001 population broken down by nine groups. Census day was 29 April 2001. Ward data was extracted using SASPAC.- HTML
Physically Active Children, Borough
Percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality Physical Education and school sport within and beyond the curriculum. There is the...- CSV
Economic Activity Rate, Employment Rate and Unemployment Rate by Ethnic Group...
Economic activity rates, employment rates and unemployment rates broken down by ethnic group. The economically active population comprises those who are either employed or...- XLS
Awards of VRQs and NVQs, Borough
Awards of Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQ) and National/Scottish Vocational Qualifications (N/SVQ) by gender, age group, level, Sector Subject Area, occupation, and...- HTML
Job Seekers Allowance Claimants, Borough
Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) replaced Unemployment Benefit and Income Support for unemployed people on 7th October 1996. It is payable to people under state pension age who are...- HTML
Employment Rates by Broad Ethnic Group (working-age), Borough
Employment rates broken down by ethnic group. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics.- HTML
Hours Worked
Estimates of the number of hours worked per week by those in employment. Data are broken down by banded durations and gender. Data are taken from the Annual Population Survey,...- XLS
Working-age Client Group (Claimants of Key Benefits)
Data about the ‘key’ benefits for clients are merged together to create “Client Group” data, providing information about whether a client is on more than one benefit from the...- HTML
Economic Inactivity Rate by Broad Ethnic Group (working-age)
Economic inactivity rates broken down by ethnic group. The economically inactive population is comprised of those who are unable or do not wish to enter employment. The data are...- HTML
Employment rates by Industry for those of working-age and those aged 16+, Bor...
Employment rates for those aged 16+ and those of working-age broken down by industrial classification. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS) produced by the...- XLS
Monthly Ambulance Service Incidents, Ward
Monthly London Ambulance Service call out data by type of incident and ward area. This excel file contains numbers for ambulance calls for each borough in London including: All...- HTML
Economic Inactivity by Gender
Economic inactivity rates broken down by gender. The economically inactive population is comprised of those who are unable or do not wish to enter employment. The data are taken...- CSV
Employment by Self-Employed, Full time and Part time and Gender, Borough
Employment rates broken down by whether self-employed and whether full or part-time. Data in this set are also broken down by gender. The data are taken from the Annual...- CSV
London Output Area Classification
The ability to understand the characteristics of an area and its population is crucial to decision making. At a time of constrained finances across all sectors of service...- XLS
Children in Poverty NI116
Key findings More than one in four of London’s children were in poverty in 2010. Child poverty rates have fallen in London on this measure, but are still higher than in any...- XLS
Employment Rate by Gender (working-age and aged 16+), Borough
Employment rates broken down by gender. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics.- XLS
School Revenue, Borough
School level revenue balances for all local authority maintained schools by local authority. These tatistics describing the total revenue balances (showing both committed and...- HTML
London Schools Atlas
The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of...- XLS
London Crime - A National Picture
As part of the quarterly release of Crime data and trends by the Office for National Statistics, data is released aggregated at police force level for the most recent rolling 12...- XLS
Working-age Employment and Disability, Borough
This table shows working-age (16-64) employment rates broken down by disability status. Disabled population broken down into DDA and work-limiting. The definition of...- HTML