Commercial and Industrial Property Vacancy Statistics, Borough

Estimated vacancy rates by percentage, for commercial and industrial properties in England.

The data cover financial years and are derived from the amount of relief given by local authorities on business rates for empty properties.

The data are an indicator of business activity in an area, and serve to monitor the potential for new development.

Download detailed ONS metadata for this dataset.

This data is no longer published. Download 1998-2005 data from NESS website

Cite this as

None (2023). Commercial and Industrial Property Vacancy Statistics, Borough [Data set]. University of Glasgow.
Private DOI This DOI is not yet resolvable.
It is available for use in manuscripts, and will be published when the Dataset is made public.

Additional Info

Title Commercial and Industrial Property Vacancy Statistics, Borough
Alternative title
URL commercial-and-industrial-property-vacancy-statistics-borough

Estimated vacancy rates by percentage, for commercial and industrial properties in England.

The data cover financial years and are derived from the amount of relief given by local authorities on business rates for empty properties.

The data are an indicator of business activity in an area, and serve to monitor the potential for new development.

Download detailed ONS metadata for this dataset.

This data is no longer published. Download 1998-2005 data from NESS website

Dataset Citation
Time Period Coverage
Geographical Coverage
Spatial Units
Observation Units
Resource Type
Data Format
Method of Collection
Collection Status
Dataset Aggregation
Data Owner
Data Owner Url
Licence Specifics
Provider 9fb98325-4f29-48d8-957c-1825c34d8566
Dataset Available
Dataset Closed
Dataset Valid
Dataset Updating Frequency
Dataset Next Version Due
Date Published 2023-11-06
Date of Fieldwork
Dataset File Type
Dataset File Size 0
Dataset Creation Date
Dataset Access Restrictions
Metadata Created Date
Metadata Created Institution
Dataset Fields (0)