Counts hourly pay Adzuna jobs
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Fields | Value |
Title | Counts hourly pay Adzuna jobs |
Alternative title | |
URL | counts-hourly-pay-adzuna-jobs |
Description | This panel dataset provides a count of the number of Adzuna vacancies that offer an hourly pay rate, by Travel to Work Area (TTWA) and month. Its function is to provide labour market insights into the number of entry-level job offers - as proxied by hourly paying employment – at a high frequency and spatial granularity. TTWAs are geographies created by ONS to approximate self-contained labour market areas. The dataset covers 3 ITL1 regions: Scotland, Wales and North West England. |
Content | The dataset covers the period May16-Dec23 and 3 NUTS1 regions: Scotland, Wales and North West England. Each row represents a unique TTWA/month-year combination. Variables included are: • “month_year” - a month-year identifer. • “gb-ttwa” - a TTWA identifier • “gb-itl1” - a NUTS1 identifer • “vacancies_offering_an_hourly_wage” - a count of the number of vacancies offering an hourly wage. Note, no data is available for December 2019 due to a technical failure in Adzuna’s snapshotting technology. |
Subjects | Labour market, vacancies, pay frequency, employment, panel datasets |
Topics | |
Dataset Citation | Urban Big Data Centre. Economic and Social Research Council. Aggregate counts of hourly paying Adzuna vacancies by Travel to Work Area and month, covering Scotland, Wales and NW England, 2025 [data collection]. University of Glasgow - Urban Big Data Centre. |
Time Period Coverage | May16-Dec23 |
Geographical Coverage | 3 NUTS1 regions: Scotland, Wales and North West England |
Spatial Units | Month-years |
Observation Units | TTWA / month-year |
Resource Type | Panel dataset |
Data Format | |
Weighting | |
Method of Collection | An aggregate of UBDC’s Adzuna data |
Collection Status | |
Dataset Aggregation | |
Data Owner | |
Data Owner Url | |
License | notspecified |
Licence Specifics | |
Provider | 5474d599-2e72-415a-b731-3618a82cbf05 |
Version | |
Dataset Available | |
Dataset Closed | |
Dataset Valid | |
Dataset Updating Frequency | |
Dataset Next Version Due | |
Date Published | 2025-01-10 |
Date of Fieldwork | |
Dataset File Type | |
Dataset File Size | 380 967 KB |
Dataset Creation Date | |
Dataset Access Restrictions | Open Dataset |
Metadata Created Date | 2025-01-10 |
Metadata Created Institution | |
Dataset Fields (1) |