Huq is a mobile phone app dataset. The app collects real-time, anonymized location data from users' smartphones, based on the use of a range of smart phone applications. This dataset offers researchers insights into human mobility patterns and behaviour. Researchers can leverage this data to study consumer trends, urban planning, and the impact of events on people's movements, amongst other applications. With a coverage of around 0.7% of the population and granular location information, Huq data offers the potential to understand changing societal dynamics and make data-driven decisions across various fields, from retail and transportation to public health and urban development.

The data has a geographic coverage across Glasgow City Region. It has a time coverage of 5 years (2019-2023), including 4 years of historical data from 2019-2022 plus one year of current data for 2023.

UBDC researchers also created a derived dataset, based on Huq data, Glasgow Origin-Destination (OD) Matrices

Access and Restrictions

Huq data is currently available internally for Urban Big Data Centre Staff. Derived Datasets based on Huq data, such as Mobility Metrics for Glasgow City Region, are available to request as Safeguarded data under an End User Licence.

Cite this as

Huq (2023). Huq data [Data set]. University of Glasgow.
Retrieved: 13:51 07 Feb 2025 (UTC)

Additional Info

Title Huq data
Alternative title
URL huq-data

Huq is a mobile phone app dataset. The app collects real-time, anonymized location data from users' smartphones, based on the use of a range of smart phone applications. This dataset offers researchers insights into human mobility patterns and behaviour. Researchers can leverage this data to study consumer trends, urban planning, and the impact of events on people's movements, amongst other applications. With a coverage of around 0.7% of the population and granular location information, Huq data offers the potential to understand changing societal dynamics and make data-driven decisions across various fields, from retail and transportation to public health and urban development.

The data has a geographic coverage across Glasgow City Region. It has a time coverage of 5 years (2019-2023), including 4 years of historical data from 2019-2022 plus one year of current data for 2023.

UBDC researchers also created a derived dataset, based on Huq data, Glasgow Origin-Destination (OD) Matrices

Access and Restrictions

Huq data is currently available internally for Urban Big Data Centre Staff. Derived Datasets based on Huq data, such as Mobility Metrics for Glasgow City Region, are available to request as Safeguarded data under an End User Licence.


The dataset consists of diverse event properties. A wide range of industry groups are covered. Three years historical data is available. Daily updates are provided with a 2-day lag.

Subjects Transport and mobility
Dataset Citation Huq. Economic and Social Research Council. Huq events data, 2021 [data collection]. University of Glasgow - Urban Big Data Centre.
Time Period Coverage Three years of data coverage will be available from 2019-2023, including three years of historical data from 2019-2022 plus one year of current data from 2022 until 2023.
Geographical Coverage Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, West Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire
Spatial Units
Observation Units mobile phone signals
Resource Type Dataset
Data Format Newline JSON
Method of Collection

Data is collected from apps and app publishers selected for high user stability and broad geo-demographic appeal, to promote fairness in the panel population.

Collection Status Ongoing
Dataset Aggregation
Data Owner Huq
Data Owner Url
License other-closed
Licence Specifics

Available to PHD students and academic researchers based in UK higher education institutions and public sector organisations for non-commercial, academic research purposes or to support policy and operational decision making only.

Usage for teaching purposes is not permitted.

Provider e4d83187-b17f-40ac-9c24-1b54b6c3c867
Dataset Available
Dataset Closed
Dataset Valid
Dataset Updating Frequency
Dataset Next Version Due
Date Published 2023-06-15
Date of Fieldwork
Dataset File Type Newline JSON
Dataset File Size 24,784 KB
Dataset Creation Date
Dataset Access Restrictions Safeguarded dataset
Metadata Created Date 2023-06-15
Metadata Created Institution Urban Big Data Centre
Dataset Fields (0)