iMCD household survey and travel diary
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Additional Info
Fields | Value |
Title | iMCD household survey and travel diary |
Alternative title | |
URL | imcd-household-survey-and-travel-diary |
Description | Part of the overall collection is the iMCD Household Survey, which is available in anonymised form. The iMCD Household Survey interviewed a representative sample of adults (2095 people from 1508 household) in the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Planning area between April and November 2015. The Survey has a unique combination of questions covering detailed information about each household and their attitudes and behaviours to transport, education, computer and mobile phone usage, and sustainability. These data would be of interest to planners, researchers or individuals wanting to gain a better understanding of these topics and their interactions. |
Content | |
Subjects | iMCD |
Topics | |
Dataset Citation | |
Time Period Coverage | 2015/04/15 - 2015/11/21 |
Geographical Coverage | Glasgow |
Spatial Units | Glasgow; North Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire; Inverclyde; Renfrewshire; East Renfrewshire; East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire. |
Observation Units | household |
Resource Type | dataset |
Data Format | numeric/text |
Weighting | The weighting was carried out using gCalib, an implementation of generalised calibration developed for SPSS by Statistics Belgium.This allows survey data to be calibrated to the National Records of Scotland mid-year population totals for 2015 and, for households, to NRS household estimates for 2014. In each case the control totals are the most recent available. At the household level, information on the age and sex of all household members is used to calibrate the survey data and the weighting is constrained so that only one weight per household is calculated. Using an iterative procedure, the household weights are adjusted to generate household-level calibrated weights which, when applied each local authority is represented in proportion to its total household population; within each local authority, the weighted age and sex structure of the sample reflects the age and sex structure of the population. |
Method of Collection | |
Collection Status | completed |
Dataset Aggregation | |
Data Owner | Urban Big Data Centre |
Data Owner Url | |
License | other-closed |
Licence Specifics | Academic or commercial research. Permitted to use for teaching purposes. International use. |
Provider | b2ba2219-ff6c-461a-a746-e762ef7600fd |
Version | |
Dataset Available | |
Dataset Closed | |
Dataset Valid | |
Dataset Updating Frequency | |
Dataset Next Version Due | |
Date Published | 2023-08-23 |
Date of Fieldwork | |
Dataset File Type | |
Dataset File Size | 1.5 MB |
Dataset Creation Date | |
Dataset Access Restrictions | |
Metadata Created Date | 2023-08-23 |
Metadata Created Institution | Urban Big Data Centre |
Dataset Fields (1) |