Local Housing Allowance (LHA) Rates per Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA), UK 2012-2024 (version 2)

This dataset contains the weekly Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates for Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs) across the UK from 2012/13 to 2024/25. LHA is a means-tested housing benefit for households in the private rented sector. BRMAs are the spatial units used for the administration of LHA. Since 2011, there have been 200 BRMAs in total (England: 152; Northern Ireland: 8; Scotland: 18; Wales: 23; but note that one BRMA spans England and Wales). LHA rates set the maximum level of housing benefit a household can receive in a given BRMA and is dependent on the size of their property. The dataset also includes estimates of the 30th centile rent for each BRMA as this is calculated separately by the Government agencies as a reference point for LHA.

LHA rates are set from April each year, based on evidence of market rents collected by the relevant government agency in each country. From April 2011, the maximum LHA rate was reduced from the median rent for each BRMA to the 30th centile rent. From 2012 onwards, limits were placed on the annual increases in LHA rates:

  • 2012 - no increase;
  • 2013 - increase limited to the Consumer Price Index;
  • 2014 /2015 - maximum increase 1%;
  • 2016-19 - no increases;
  • 2020 - rates reset to 30th centile;
  • 2021-23 - no increases; and
  • 2024 - rates reset to 30th centile.

There are no 30th centile rents for any part of Great Britain for 2012/13 and none for Northern Ireland in 2018. There are a small number of cases where 30th centile rents are missing in some BRMAs, presumably due to insufficient data on which to make a market assessment.

Details on sources and method of contruction here: https://github.com/nick-bailey/LHA-rates-for-BRMAs.

Cite this as

Urban Big Data Centre (2024). Local Housing Allowance (LHA) Rates per Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA), UK 2012-2024 (version 2) [Data set]. University of Glasgow. https://doi.org/10.20394/yqq2vjva
Retrieved: 13:47 14 Jan 2025 (UTC)

Additional Info

Title Local Housing Allowance (LHA) Rates per Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA), UK 2012-2024 (version 2)
Alternative title
URL local-housing-allowance-lha-rates-per-broad-rental-market-area-brma-uk-2012-2024-version-2

This dataset contains the weekly Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates for Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs) across the UK from 2012/13 to 2024/25. LHA is a means-tested housing benefit for households in the private rented sector. BRMAs are the spatial units used for the administration of LHA. Since 2011, there have been 200 BRMAs in total (England: 152; Northern Ireland: 8; Scotland: 18; Wales: 23; but note that one BRMA spans England and Wales). LHA rates set the maximum level of housing benefit a household can receive in a given BRMA and is dependent on the size of their property. The dataset also includes estimates of the 30th centile rent for each BRMA as this is calculated separately by the Government agencies as a reference point for LHA.

LHA rates are set from April each year, based on evidence of market rents collected by the relevant government agency in each country. From April 2011, the maximum LHA rate was reduced from the median rent for each BRMA to the 30th centile rent. From 2012 onwards, limits were placed on the annual increases in LHA rates:

  • 2012 - no increase;
  • 2013 - increase limited to the Consumer Price Index;
  • 2014 /2015 - maximum increase 1%;
  • 2016-19 - no increases;
  • 2020 - rates reset to 30th centile;
  • 2021-23 - no increases; and
  • 2024 - rates reset to 30th centile.

There are no 30th centile rents for any part of Great Britain for 2012/13 and none for Northern Ireland in 2018. There are a small number of cases where 30th centile rents are missing in some BRMAs, presumably due to insufficient data on which to make a market assessment.

Details on sources and method of contruction here: https://github.com/nick-bailey/LHA-rates-for-BRMAs.


This dataset contains the weekly Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates for different sizes of property (number of bedrooms) in each Broad Rental Market Area (reference number and name), and the year. The dataset also includes estimates of the 30th centile rent for each BRMA, as calculated by the relevant Government agency as a reference point for setting LHA rates.

Subjects Housing And Neighbourhoods
Dataset Citation Urban Big Data Centre. Economic and Social Research Council. Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates per Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA), 2012-2024 (v2) [data collection]. University of Glasgow - Urban Big Data Centre. DOI : https://doi.org/10.20394/yqq2vjva
Time Period Coverage 13 years (2012/13-2024/25)
Geographical Coverage United Kingdom
Spatial Units Broad Rental Market Area, [BMRA]
Observation Units BRMA, Number of beds in property
Resource Type Dataset
Data Format Structured time-series data
Method of Collection

Online open access sources (published by the UK Government) and FoI request.

Collection Status
Dataset Aggregation
Data Owner Urban Big Data Centre
Data Owner Url https://www.ubdc.ac.uk/
License uk-ogl
Licence Specifics
Provider b2ba2219-ff6c-461a-a746-e762ef7600fd
Dataset Available
Dataset Closed
Dataset Valid
Dataset Updating Frequency
Dataset Next Version Due
Date Published 2024-05-17
Date of Fieldwork
Dataset File Type
Dataset File Size 105 KB
Dataset Creation Date
Dataset Access Restrictions Open Dataset
Metadata Created Date 2024-05-17
Metadata Created Institution Urban Big Data Centre
Dataset Fields (7)
Field Name:

Country (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales). [character] NB that the BRMA spanning England and Wales is listed as England

Field Name:

Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA) code/identifier [numeric]. NB that Northern Ireland codes renumbered 201-208 to avoid overlap with English codes.

Field Name:

Full name of the Broad Rental Market (BRMA) [character]

Field Name:

Financial year of the LHA rate [numeric]. ‘2012’ refers to ‘2012-13’, etc.

Field Name:

Number of beds in property [numeric]. ‘0’ – room in a shared property; ‘1’ – one-bedroom etc.

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