Tourism Trips, Borough

London Borough level tourism trip estimates (thousands).

The ‘top-down’ nature of the Local Area Tourism Impact (LATI) model (starting with London data) means it is best suited to disaggregate expenditure. However, tourism trips were also disaggregated for comparative purposes using the estimated proportions of spending by overseas, domestic and day visitors in the boroughs. Since the trip estimates are derived from data on trips to London they do not account for trips to different boroughs by visitors whilst in London.

Indicative borough level day visitor/tourist estimates for 2007 were derived from the LDA’s own experimental London level day visitor estimates. As such the borough level day visitor estimates should be treated with caution and the 2007 day visitor estimates are not comparable with those from previous years. They are intended only to give a best estimate of the scale of day visitor tourism in each borough from the currently available data.

Further tourism data for UK regions covering trends in visits, nights, and spend to London by visitors from overseas is available on the Visit Britain website. Analyse data by age, purpose, duration, and quarter.

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None (2023). Tourism Trips, Borough [Data set]. University of Glasgow.
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Title Tourism Trips, Borough
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URL tourism-trips-borough

London Borough level tourism trip estimates (thousands).

The ‘top-down’ nature of the Local Area Tourism Impact (LATI) model (starting with London data) means it is best suited to disaggregate expenditure. However, tourism trips were also disaggregated for comparative purposes using the estimated proportions of spending by overseas, domestic and day visitors in the boroughs. Since the trip estimates are derived from data on trips to London they do not account for trips to different boroughs by visitors whilst in London.

Indicative borough level day visitor/tourist estimates for 2007 were derived from the LDA’s own experimental London level day visitor estimates. As such the borough level day visitor estimates should be treated with caution and the 2007 day visitor estimates are not comparable with those from previous years. They are intended only to give a best estimate of the scale of day visitor tourism in each borough from the currently available data.

Further tourism data for UK regions covering trends in visits, nights, and spend to London by visitors from overseas is available on the Visit Britain website. Analyse data by age, purpose, duration, and quarter.

Dataset Citation
Time Period Coverage
Geographical Coverage
Spatial Units
Observation Units
Resource Type
Data Format
Method of Collection
Collection Status
Dataset Aggregation
Data Owner
Data Owner Url
Licence Specifics
Provider 9fb98325-4f29-48d8-957c-1825c34d8566
Dataset Available
Dataset Closed
Dataset Valid
Dataset Updating Frequency
Dataset Next Version Due
Date Published 2023-11-06
Date of Fieldwork
Dataset File Type
Dataset File Size 0
Dataset Creation Date
Dataset Access Restrictions
Metadata Created Date
Metadata Created Institution
Dataset Fields (0)