Zoopla live aggregated property data

Property Market Insights from Zoopla Live (Aggregated):

Discover valuable property market insights with our data product sourced from Zoopla Live, one of the UK's premier aggregators of property listings data. Gain access to a comprehensive dataset containing information on 27,000,000 homes, up to 1,000,000 property listings,.

The Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) systematially collects daily property listings from Zoopla across the entire UK since 2017; and each year, we process and consolidate the collected data into yearly aggregated and harmonized 'analysis-ready' datasets.

Researchers can utilize this dataset to unlock meaningful insights into the property market.

Please note that additional daily data from Zoopla can be made available upon request if the provided aggregated product does not meet specific research requirements. Additionally, it's essential to be aware that each Zoopla year spans 18 months, from the 1st of Oct of the previous year until the 31st of March of the following year.

UBDC’s Zoopla data collection is a dataset that covers housing data since 2017, covering the area of Great Britain. UBDC has an agreement with Zoopla and has access to current property listings via Application Programming Interface (API). We have been collecting the listings since August 2016.

UBDC can provide Live Collected Aggregated Data: Aggregated (yearly) data made from Live Collected data. The Zoopla year is +/- 3 months for each year(= zoopla year 18 months) The collection requires unique property id in the API request.

We have also set up an email discussion list on housing data and related issues that you can join via the JISCMail website:


Note: In accessing this data, you agree that any downloading of content is for non-commercial reference only. No part of these materials may be used for any other purpose or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the University of Glasgow.

Data is Zoopla Property Group PLC, © 2023, processed by Urban Big Data Centre, University of Glasgow

Details of the data available via Zoopla’s Application Programming Interface (API) can be found at


Cite this as

Zoopla HomeTrack (2023). Zoopla live aggregated property data [Data set]. University of Glasgow. https://doi.org/10.20394/maw4jqgn
Retrieved: 14:55 07 Feb 2025 (UTC)

Additional Info

Title Zoopla live aggregated property data
Alternative title
URL zoopla-property-data

Property Market Insights from Zoopla Live (Aggregated):

Discover valuable property market insights with our data product sourced from Zoopla Live, one of the UK's premier aggregators of property listings data. Gain access to a comprehensive dataset containing information on 27,000,000 homes, up to 1,000,000 property listings,.

The Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) systematially collects daily property listings from Zoopla across the entire UK since 2017; and each year, we process and consolidate the collected data into yearly aggregated and harmonized 'analysis-ready' datasets.

Researchers can utilize this dataset to unlock meaningful insights into the property market.

Please note that additional daily data from Zoopla can be made available upon request if the provided aggregated product does not meet specific research requirements. Additionally, it's essential to be aware that each Zoopla year spans 18 months, from the 1st of Oct of the previous year until the 31st of March of the following year.

UBDC’s Zoopla data collection is a dataset that covers housing data since 2017, covering the area of Great Britain. UBDC has an agreement with Zoopla and has access to current property listings via Application Programming Interface (API). We have been collecting the listings since August 2016.

UBDC can provide Live Collected Aggregated Data: Aggregated (yearly) data made from Live Collected data. The Zoopla year is +/- 3 months for each year(= zoopla year 18 months) The collection requires unique property id in the API request.

We have also set up an email discussion list on housing data and related issues that you can join via the JISCMail website:


Note: In accessing this data, you agree that any downloading of content is for non-commercial reference only. No part of these materials may be used for any other purpose or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the University of Glasgow.

Data is Zoopla Property Group PLC, © 2023, processed by Urban Big Data Centre, University of Glasgow

Details of the data available via Zoopla’s Application Programming Interface (API) can be found at



daily updates API

Subjects Housing And Neighbourhoods
Dataset Citation Zoopla Limited. Economic and Social Research Council. Zoopla Property Data, 2010-current, 2023 [data collection]. University of Glasgow - Urban Big Data Centre. 
Time Period Coverage 2010-current
Geographical Coverage Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland)
Spatial Units
Observation Units property listings
Resource Type
Data Format CSV
Method of Collection
Collection Status
Dataset Aggregation
Data Owner Zoopla HomeTrack
Data Owner Url https://www.zoopla.co.uk/
License other-closed
Licence Specifics

For non-commercial academic research in UK only.

The following use cases do not fall within the scope of the terms of this Agreement and the Data shall not be used to: (a) to develop new house price or rental indices as the basis for commercial products; (b) to develop property attribute models with a view to commercialisation; (c) develop property valuation tools or other forms of property technology; or (d) directly or indirectly compete with the Supplier’s business or the business of any of Supplier’s Group.

Provider 2dfe3c7e-ae3d-4537-bfca-f08111e9de85
Dataset Available 2023-06-14
Dataset Closed
Dataset Valid
Dataset Updating Frequency
Dataset Next Version Due
Date Published 2023-06-14
Date of Fieldwork
Dataset File Type
Dataset File Size 1.5MB
Dataset Creation Date
Dataset Access Restrictions
Metadata Created Date
Metadata Created Institution
Dataset Fields (0)