LiDAR: High resolution land surface elevation data
LiDAR — Light Detection and Ranging is a mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the sensor and the ground. Up to 100,000 measurements per second...- XLSX
Sensor-enhanced housing survey data for urban heat investigation : licensed data
During the summer months from July 2023 to September 2023 (including a mini heatwave in early September 2023), 40 Smart Citizen sensors have recorded data in homes in Southwark,...- XLSX
Public transport accessibility indicators for Great Britain 2022 (PTAI-22)
This is the first in a planned series of releases of this data product to reflect changes in transit schedules and location of services. Please note that this dataset is not a...- XLSX
Great Britain Accessibility Indicators 2023 (AI23)
Accessibility indicators measure the ease of reaching valuable destinations (Levinson and Wu 2020). The current dataset, Great Britain Accessibility Indicators 2023 (AI23),...- ZIP
Public transport availability indicators (PTAI)
PTAI provides public transport data. These data offer public transport availability indicators at both the stop/station and small area levels across Great Britain (England,...- XLS
Glasgow Valuation Roll Data
UBDC has received from Glasgow City Assessor Valuation Roll data for the period 1995 to 2018. The data contains an entry for all non domestic properties in the Glasgow City...- XLSX
Energy Performance Certificate UPRN Lookup
This dataset is one of the outputs from an Ordnance Survey funded project to link Unique Property Reference Number in OS AddressBased Plus to DLUHC’s EPC data and to Land...- XLSX
Glasgow City Council Over-65 Falls Data 2011-2015
The dataset provides information about falls among people 65 and older. The data covers Glasgow City Council area for years ending 31 March 2011-2015. Data is provided by 2011...- CSV
Eco-Quartiers Data for France and Corsica
This dataset contains maps of eco-districts in France and Corsica. The data was created using OpenStreetMap, which represents features such as roads and buildings on the ground...- XLSX
- gpkg
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Referrals to Community Falls Prevention Programme...
Aggregated counts of referrals per 2011 datazone for the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to the Community Falls Prevention Program. It contains reports of referrals to the...- CSV
Public transport travel time matrices for Great Britain
The data is available on demand, contact ubdc-dataservices@glasgow.ac.uk to request access to the data. This dataset provides ready-to-use door-to-door public transport travel...- XLSX
Fix My Street Data Glasgow UK to 2017
The data refers to reports made, by anyone in public, to FixMyStreet.com website regarding either potholes or pavements/footpaths in the Glasgow City area. Each report has its...- CSV
Edinburgh Landlord Registration data
Edinburgh Landlord Registration data is landlord registration data for Edinburgh created at 10th November 2017 and shared the file on the 13th November 2017. The data was...- XLSX
Scotland's Census 2011 : age data
This dataset comprises of data taken from the 2011 UK census. The dataset consists of 2 elements: a csv in LONG format for ease of filtering data and/or to create other...- XLSX
Aberdeen Landlord Datazone Registration
The Sheet Aberdeen_Landlord_Dz is the land lord registration data for Aberdeen provided at 15th August 2017. The data was provided at postcode for each of the property and then...- XLSX
Lead prevalence by postcode sectors (Glasgow, 1993-94)
The spreadsheet lists the 1991 Glasgow postcode sectors together with the relative prevalence of raised tap water lead and neighbourhood types depicted in the map of the Glasgow...- CSV
iMCD household survey and travel diary
Part of the overall collection is the iMCD Household Survey, which is available in anonymised form. The iMCD Household Survey interviewed a representative sample of adults (2095...- XLSX
British Geological Survey
BGS' Accessing Subsurface Knowledge (ASK) Dataset is an output from its Clyde Urban Super Project (CUSP). The data offers sub-surface descriptions of the Clyde valley, including...- XLSX
Lothian Valuation Roll Data
Lothian Valuation Roll is a dataset which contains an entry for all non domestic properties in the Lothian's area specifically in the following postcodes EH1 – EH30 except...- XLSX
Glasgow Valuation Roll Dataset 1990–2018
Glasgow Valuation Roll Data Extracts from 1990 which contains an entry for all non domestic properties in the Glasgow City Assessor areas, except those specifically excluded by...- XLSX