Dog Fouling Complaints (DFC) by Postcode District and Multimember wards
Data shows dog fouling complaints received between June to September 2014 by Glasgow multimember wards.- CSV
Mental Health Facilities with geocoding
Mental Health Resource Centres and Primary Care Mental Health Team addresses including post code along with OSGR Easting, OSGR Northing, WGS84 Latitude, WGS84 Longitude and a...- CSV
Road Safety: Glasgow Casualties 2012
Geo- and date/time- coded casualty data is derived from the original accidents dataset by adding the geospatial and temporal fields from the “accident” dataset. Data...- CSV
Household Size
HASH(0x3055270)- CSV
Energy and environmental performance of dwellings using EPC
The data come from an IBM Fuel Poverty report and provide SAP/EPC energy rating by post code within the Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) stock register. The fields are: Post...- CSV
Glasgow Life Libraries
Location of Glasgow Life Libraries. February 2014.- CSV
Defra Pollutant Base Maps - NO2
Glasgow NO2 background Maps. All maps have been merged into one file. Data is correct at time of upload on 2014:04:25T13:26- CSV
Accessible Tourism
List of venues involved in the Accessible Tourism project and their postcodes.- CSV
Subway Train Frequency
HASH(0x17b9c68)- CSV
Charging sessions data for Electric Vehicles
All available Charging sessions downloaded for Glasgow from Charge your Car up until February 2014.- CSV
Community International Projects
List of community-led international themed projects in Glasgow.- CSV
Ethnic Group by Sex by Age - Census 2011
HASH(0x2c76560)- CSV
General Health
HASH(0x2c85040)- CSV
West of Scotland - Maximum Temperatures measured from 1910 - 2013
Scotland_W Maximum Temperature (Degrees C) Areal series, starting from 1910 Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to...- CSV
Life Expectancy Figures in Females
Life Expectancy Figures in Females by Intermediate Zones between the year 2005 to 2009. (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Website- CSV
Hospital Admissions for Coronary Heart Disease in Males
Admissions for Coronary heart disease in Males for the year 2009. (C) Crown copyright, 2013. Data supplied by Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Website- CSV
Patients with Breast Cancer
Number of New Registration for Patients with Breast Cancer between years 2000 to 2004. There are 694 data zones in Glasgow City Council which are S01003025 to S01003718...- CSV
Road Safety: Glasgow Vehicles 2012
For each vehicle involved in a particular accident (denoted by the accident index), the Vehicles dataset gives information on: the driver (journey purpose, age band, gender);...- CSV
Rail Station Facilities
Dictionary defining the terms used in the Scotrail Rails Station Facilities dataset.- CSV
Deaths from alcohol conditions
Deaths from alcohol related and attributable conditions. Time period is 2002-2007 for a Scotland wide value that is provided for comparison. The statistics are: 5-year total...- CSV
Road Safety: Brief Guide and Coding
Data extracted on 2013-10-07 from data.gov.uk- CSV
Commonwealth Gardens
A list of Commonwealth Gardens in Glasgow and their postcodes.- CSV
Elective Planned Hospital Admissions in Both Sexes
Elective Planned Admissions in Males and Females for the year 2004. (C) Crown copyright, 2013. Data supplied by Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Website- CSV
NaPTAN Bus Stop Locations
Bus Stop data converted to a Shapefile using the Projected British National Grid Coordinates.- CSV
MOT Vehicle Testing Stations In or Near Glasgow
A list of MOT Vehicle Testing Stations in or near Glasgow .Data includes trading names, addresses, postcodes, contact details and test undertaken. Date extracted on 2014-05-08...- CSV