Traffic Signals Location
Traffic Signals in Glasgow by location (street and eastings/northings ), type of junction (intersection,pelican,puffin,toucan,wigwag) and whether or not a pedestrian crossing is...- CSV
Household Waste
Different types of household waste arising in Glasgow in 2011 and 2012 and how it was managed. Using open data from [Scotland's Environment]...- CSV
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD ) Overall 2004-2012, Glasgow
The 694 data zones in Glasgow ranked in 2012, 2009, 2006 and 2004 for overall deprivation. Each data zone also has a local ranking i.e. within Glasgow to ease comparison for...- CSV
Hospital Admissions for Accidents in Females
Hospital Admissions for Accidents in Females between 2002 and 2011. (C) Crown copyright, 2013. Data supplied by Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Website- CSV
Cemeteries and Crematoria in Glasgow
A HTML link to a list of Cemeteries and Crematoria managed by Glasgow City Council- CSV
Elective Planned Hospital Admissions in Males
Field Names and Description used in health variables.- CSV
Role of the Private Rented Sector in Meeting Housing Need in Glasgow
Glasgow City Council commissioned Arneil Johnson to undertake a study examining the role of the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in meeting housing need in Glasgow, November 2015.... -
Low Birth Weight Statistics
Metadata for the related dataset.- CSV
Gas related Carbon emissions 2012-2013
Total gas consumption (KWH) and carbon dioxide (tonnes) equivalent for Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Life and Strathclyde Pension Fund. Calculations from gas consumption to... -
Cycle Routes
Cycle routes within Glasgow City Council. To view or use these files, a compression software and GIS software like ESRI ArcGIS or QGIS is needed. Geographic coordinate system is...- CSV
Road Safety: Scotland Accident Circumstances 2005-2012
Accident circumstances for 10287 accidents occurring in Scotland in 2010. Data for any of the 32 unitary authorities can be obtained by using the code for the particular Local...- CSV
Gaelic Language Skills by Sex by Age - 2011 Census
Metadata for the related dataset.- CSV
Census 2011 Glasgow City Key Statistics
Release 2A provides information covering: Population; Ethnicity; Language; Identity, Religion; Health; Housing and Accommodation.- CSV
Long-term health conditions : census 2011
The number of people in each of the Glasgow datazones who state they have either no long-term medical conditions or at least one. A long-term condition is defined as one which...- CSV
Hospital Admissions for Cancer in Both Sexes
Cancer Admissions in both Males and Females for the year 2007. (C) Crown copyright, 2013. Data supplied by Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Website- CSV
Household - Number of Persons per Room
Data shows number of persons per room for all households by Glasgow data zones. The figures are based on the 2011 Census data. The number of persons per room for all household...- CSV
Restaurants, Cafes and Canteens in Glasgow
Names, addresses, longitude and latitude of Restaurants, Cafes and Canteens rated as food premises by the Food Standards Agency Scotland (FSA).- CSV
Hospital Admissions for Emergency cases in Males
Hospital Admissions for Emergency cases in Males for the year 2008. (C) Crown copyright, 2013. Data supplied by Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Website- CSV
Glasgow Life Community Centres
Location of Glasgow Life Community Centres. February 2014.- CSV
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD): Housing Domain 2004-2012, Gl...
Explanation of field names in SIMD Housing Domain 2004 -2012 Glasgow .- CSV
Local Street Gazetteer - NSG
The street gazetteer in a csv format. Headers: Descriptor which implies the street name, Start_X means starting Easting point, Start_Y means starting Northing point, End_X means...- CSV
Language Other than English used at home by sex by age - 2011 Census
Cell reference data used by NRS to describe each cell within the dataset.- CSV
Colleges and Universities funded by Scottish Funding Council
Geojson file showing colleges and universities in Glasgow funded by Scottish Funding Council.- CSV
Hospital Admissions for Disease of the Digestive system in Females
Hospital Admissions for Females who have disease of the digestive system in the year 2010. (C) Crown copyright, 2013. Data supplied by Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Website- CSV
Patients hospitalised with drug related conditions
Patients discharged from hospital (annually) with drug related conditions. Time period is 1998-2008 for Intermediate Geographies in Glasgow. The statistics are: 3-year total...