Employment Rates by Broad Ethnic Group (working-age), Borough
Employment rates broken down by ethnic group. The data are taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS), produced by the Office for National Statistics.- HTML
Number of Registered Blind and Partially Sighted People by Age Group, Borough
This data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England as being blind and partially sighted by age, for...- CSV
Hours Worked
Estimates of the number of hours worked per week by those in employment. Data are broken down by banded durations and gender. Data are taken from the Annual Population Survey,...- XLS
London Elections Results 2012, Wards, Boroughs, Constituency
DATA The results for the Mayoral and Assembly elections down to constituency level are available (including turnout and spoils etc). The full 2012 election results for Mayor and...- XLS
Council Elections candidate results by ward, 2006
Voting statistics for the local elections in 2006, includes data on each candidate. Data on turnout can also be accessed via the Excel spreadsheet. More borough level data...- CSV
Census 2001 Key Statistics 02: Age Structure
Census Key Statistics Table KS02: Age Structure. 'Age' is age at last birthday. Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. All...- CSV
MSOA Atlas
This MSOA atlas provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Middle Super Output Area in Greater London. The average population of an MSOA in London in 2010 was...- CSV
Assembly Member Gifts and Hospitality Register
Register of any gift or hospitality worth £25 or over received by Assembly Members in connection with their official duties Since 12 September 2007, when the Authority adopted...- CSV
London's Jobs History
A London series by industry and a borough series (no industry) 1984 to 2011. These data have been used by GLA Economics to forecast long-term employment projections and within...- CSV
Percentage of People on Low Income, Borough
Percentage of respondents earning less than £7 per hour, from the Annual Population Survey. Use caution when analysing local authority figures due to relatively small sample...- XLS
Household Income Estimates for Small Areas
Mean and median average gross annual household income for Output Areas, Lower SOAs, Middle SOAs, Wards and Boroughs, London, 2011/12 This income data is unequivalised - that is...- XLS
Tourism Trips, Borough
London Borough level tourism trip estimates (thousands). The ‘top-down’ nature of the Local Area Tourism Impact (LATI) model (starting with London data) means it is best suited...- XLS
Raw age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupings 20...
Raw age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) for 2005-07; ie births to mothers aged x per resident population of women aged x, where x ranges from age 15 to 49. Smoothed fertility...- CSV
Strategic Industrial Location Points (London Plan Consultation 2009)
Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) as identified in the London Plan Consultation 2009. These comprise Preferred Industrial Locations (PILs) and Industrial Business Parks and...- CSV
Empty Homes
Who owns the empty homes. Each year the Department for Communities and Local Government collects data on the number of empty homes from each local authority in England and from...- CSV
Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: LSOA Level
Part of Release: Official Sub-Ward, Ward and Borough level crime counts. This is the most accurate data available for counting numbers of crimes in London according to official...- CSV
Property Type, LSOA
This table (CSV) shows a breakdown of the dwelling stock down to a lower geographic level Lower layer Super Output Area or LSOA, categorised by the 18 property types below and...- CSV
Economic Inactivity by Gender
Economic inactivity rates broken down by gender. The economically inactive population is comprised of those who are unable or do not wish to enter employment. The data are taken...- CSV
Census 2001 Key Statistics 16: Household Spaces
Census Key Statistics Table KS16: Household spaces and accommodation type. Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. All data is...- XML
Census 2001 Key Statistics 13: Qualifications and Students
Census Key Statistics Table KS13: Qualifications and Students. Level 1: 'O' level passes; 1+ CSE/GCSE any grades; NVQ level 1; Foundation GNVQ. Level 2: 'O' level passes; 5+...- HTML
Redbridge Planning Development Control
Planning application and development control. Quarterly return on volume, fees and performance against national indicators. The data supplied has been extracted from the...- HTML
Areas for Intensification Points (London Plan Consultation 2009)
Areas identified in the London Plan Consultation 2009 as having significant potential for increases in residential, employment and other uses through development of sites at...- SHP
Polling Stations in London for 2010 Local & General Elections
Please note, this dataset is currently not complete. Details for all remaining polling stations along with GIS co-ordinates for each station will be added shortly. As of...- XLS
Road Casualties by Severity
Casualties on the roads by severity (Killed/seriously injured or slight injuries) for both child and all casualties by borough since 2004. A child is anyone aged 17 and under....- XLS
Children Who Became or Were Subject to a Child Protection Plan (CPP), Borough
Children and young people who became or were subject of a Child Protection Plan (CPP). Where a child was made the subject of a child protection plan more than once in the year...- XLS