Dwellings by Council Tax Band, Output Areas
Number of dwellings on the valuation list, by council tax band and output area. The Valuation list is held by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. The number of dwellings in...- XLS
Mortgage and Landlord Possession Actions, Borough
Statistics on mortgage and landlord possession actions in the county courts of England and Wales, since 2003. Quarterly Mortgage and landlord possession statistics from Ministry...- XLS
Short Term Migrants, Borough
Data shows estimates of the number of migrants staying in the UK for between 1 and 12 months. Definition of a short-term migrant; a person moving for between 1 and 12 months...- CSV
Prevalence of Common Mental Health Problems, Borough
Number of cases of common mental health problems per 1000 of the population aged 16-74 by type of mental health problem. Data on rates are presented as total cases per 1000...- XLS
DCLG Affordable Housing Supply, Borough
Total affordable housing completions by financial year in each London borough since 1991/92. The information includes both homes funded through programmes directly managed by...- XLS
Accessibility of London Underground Stations
Detail relating to the physical accessibility of London Underground stations. This dataset provides walking distances, number of stairs, location of amenities and a whole host...- XLS
2011 Census Diversity
Reports and data on Diversity- XLS
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Religion by Ward, 2001
Census Key Statistics Table KS7: Religion. Total 2001 population broken down by nine groups. Census day was 29 April 2001. Ward data was extracted using SASPAC.- HTML
2010 round SHLAA based household projections
2010 round population and household projections for London Boroughs using the SHLAA housing data and 2008 CLG household projections. Single year of age borough projections are...- CSV
Borough Council Election Results 2014
This report includes a great deal of detail on every aspect of the 2014 London Borough council general elections. No other single volume presents the full results and election...- XLS
Waste Re-use Centres
Number of Re-Use Centres and their activity by weight - tonnes of furniture, appliances and IT equipment reused. Research was conducted between October 2007 and March 2008 by...- CSV
Schools and Pupils by Type of School, Borough
Table shows numbers of all Schools and Pupils by Type of School. School types included in this publication are State-Funded Primary, Secondary and Special schools, Independent...- XLS
ONS House Price Index - London UK
One of several indicators for house prices published on a quarterly basis. The data are mix-adjusted and (unlike in the case of data from Halifax or Nationwide) are based on...- CSV
Physically Active Children, Borough
Percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality Physical Education and school sport within and beyond the curriculum. There is the...- CSV
GLA Population Projections - Custom Age Tables
Excel age range creator for GLA Projections data This Excel based tool enables users to query the raw single year of age data so that any age range can easily be calculated...- XLS
2011 round household projections
Two projection variants were produced for the 2011 round: consistent with the published standard- and high-fertility population projections. These population projections...- XLS
Land Use by Ward
Land Use Statistics by ward (Generalised Land Use Database) 2005 (Enhanced Basemap). Uses include, domestic buildings, gardens, non-domestic buildings, greenspace, paths, rail,...- CSV
Land Use - Previously Developed Land, Borough
An estimate of the amount of previously-developed (or brownfield) land in England which may be available for re-development, and also an estimate of the potential number of...- XLS
Access to Public Open Space and Nature by Ward
Tables show the proportion of homes located within public open space, and access to nature boundaries. Areas of deficiency in access to nature are defined as built-up areas more...- CSV
Ethnic Groups by Gender and Broad Age Group, Borough
Ethnic group statistics by full groupings, gender and age. Age groups are children (0-15), working age and retirement age. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding. See...- XLS
Key Stage 3 Results, Percentage of Pupils Achieving Level 5 or Above, Borough
The percentage of pupils achieving level 5 or above in the 2009 key stage 3 teacher assessments. The 2009 figures are based on provisional Key Stage 3 teacher assessments (TA)...- XLS
Gas Consumption, Borough
Gas consumption - Sales by sector. Numbers broken down into: domestic consumers, commercial and industrial consumers, all consumers and sales per consumer. Power station...- XLS
2013 round household projections
The 2013 round of projections included the following household projection variants: Three variants of trend-based projection (Central, High, Low) that used different migration...- XLS
London Business Survey 2014 - The workforce
The 2014 London Business Survey (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA. The survey...- XLS
GLA Population Projections 2012 Round, Trend Based, Borough SYA
Trend based projections to 2041 for London Boroughs by gender for: Births Population (by single year of age) Migration (outflows and inflows) Total Fertility Rates Life...- XLS