Key Stage 3 Results, Percentage of Pupils Achieving Level 6 or Above, Borough
The percentage of pupils achieving level 6 or above in the 2009 key stage 3 teacher assessments. The 2009 figures are based on provisional Key Stage 3 teacher assessments (TA)...- XLS
Crime Rates, Borough
Numbers of recorded offences, and rates of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year and borough. Rate is given as per thousand population,...- XLS
Registered Social Landlords Average Rents
Amount charged by Registered Social Landlord (Private Registered Provider (PRP)) Average Weekly Rents for social housing. Data is collected by the Housing Corporation via the... -
Workforce Jobs
Workforce Jobs (WFJ) is a quarterly measure of the number of jobs in the UK and is the preferred measure of the change in jobs by industry. Estimates are only available at...- XLS
Dwellings Numbers on Valuation List, Borough
Numbers of dwellings on Valuation List in each council tax band. Data comes from Valuation Office Agency of HMRC. Based on property values at 1 April 1991, homes are allocated...- XLS
Number of Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates
Number of Licences in force at year end (31 March). The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has policy responsibility in Government for licensing law relating...- XLS